Tuesday, July 1, 2014

#100HappyDays - June

In order to channel more positivity into our lives, my friend and I decided to jump on the bandwagon and capture 100 days of things that make us happy each day.  I have to say that I started doing this a long time ago before it became popular, but never publicized it, so I'd like to think I started this trend.  Teehee.  Here are my first thirteen days in June to share!

Day 1: Getting a prime parking spot at work even though I was super late!

Day 2: Running into my good friend and her two girls while on an errand at the mall

Day 3: Trying out a new restaurant Bistro 21

Day 4: An awesome message at church!

Day 5: Having my sweet Echo in my life

Day 6: An awesome workout

Day 7: Toned arms

Day 8: One of my favorite meals: TenRen's joypot and iced green tea with lychee jelly

Day 9: Bible study with a friend who invests in me

Day 10: Finding a new scarf I had forgotten I had

Day 11: Arriving safely in Argentina with car service to boot!

Day 12: Free dessert at Campanas Las Lilas in Argentina

Day 13: Uggs to keep my feet warm in the frigid cold

1 comment:

Valjean said...

Food, Friends, Fitness, Faith -- some of my Favorite things to be thankful for! (Just happened to be catching up on your blog).