Monday, June 28, 2010

A Sticky Situation

I have never been a sweets person, but my Dad is a different story. He's what we call in Cantonese "wai sick", meaning, he likes to eat even when he is not hungry and is frequently rummaging through the fridge to see what he can get his hands on. His favorite foods have always been foods that are sweet, especially ice cream and sweet breads. Lately, he's had to keep an eye on his sugar level, so he has had to cut a lot of food out of his diet - sad! I try to empathize with him by telling him about the strict healthy diet that I've put myself on, but I know that empathy cannot replace the taste of sweetness. Since there are not a lot of sugar-free sweets out there, I decided to try and satisfy my Dad's sweet tooth cravings by attempting to bake sugar free muffins. Seriously, I am no baker. Seriously.

Blueberry mix
Lesson learned: Too dense of a mix creates a holey muffin

Into the oven the Blueberry muffins go!

Um, here they are! 
Lesson learned: Not enough baking powder equals flat muffins.

Banana nut & Walnut mix

Oops, not enough mix for 12 muffins!

Puffy banana nut muffins!

Ready for delivery!

Clumsy me managed to burn myself in the process.  See the pink on my ring finger where I am pointing to?  What?  You don't see anything?  Okay, maybe I am being a bit of a weenie, but really, it's there and it hurts! :)

So the million dollar question...just how did my muffins turn out?  Taste wise, they are edible and enjoyable a 5/10, but definitely not oh-my-gosh I am a superhero-baker delicious.  Quality wise, they stick to the baking cups so when I am trying to eat one, I only get to eat half of it because the rest won't come off the wrapper!  Must. Google. Solution. so that it doesn't happen again.

I was going to give my Dad the entire batch, but now, I think I am only going to give him a few muffins and tell him "Here is a taste of what is to come.", literally.

(Day after: So apparently once the muffins have completely cooled down, they won't stick to the wrapper anymore. Heehee.)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sleeping On the Job

I have too much going on lately and am exhausted.  Here's a real life scenario that happened at work yesterday between my client counterpart and I:

Me: Do you know whether we've covered the drop-ship process in our deliverables?
Client: Um, let me check our flows...
(A minute passes and I am getting really sleepy.)
Client: Good night Sherly
(Grogg-ily awaking)
Me: Oh!  I heard said...
Client: Riiiight

Apparently, I literally fell asleep while I was waiting for him to answer me in the span of two short minutes!