Thursday, October 10, 2013

Throwback Thursdays

For one of my wedding DIY projects, I was looking through some old photos of yours truly.  Here are some of my favorites!

 My Mom and I at the Griffith Park Observatory

Here I am with my favorite bear and yes, I still have it and I still sleep with it.  During my teething stage, I managed to chew off a lot of the fur, so my parents went back to the zoo to get me a new one.  My Mom said I kicked that one to the curb and kept my original one.  I used to walk around the house all night with my thumb in my mouth searching for this bear because I could not sleep without it.  I have a funny story about how I lost it one time on a business trip and had a $400 reward for whoever found it.  Maybe I'll tell that story one day.

 I always notice that little kids like to cross their feet.  I guess I was no exception.

I think my facial expression here says it all.  My parents had it coming.  I was one rebellious child - and still am!

 Here is one of J.  It cracks me up every time I look at it.  He was so fat, lol!

And here's a photo of my DIY project.  Instead of a slideshow, I decided to build a collage full of great memories!

1 comment:

Candace said...

What a cutie patootie!!! Love these pics. All 3 of my kids cross their feet when they sit. :) Andrew does it all the time now.