Thursday, January 26, 2012


This morning, it took me an hour and a half to get to work.  Why is it that Thursday traffic is always the worst?  In lieu of supporting my new years resolutions, I am not going to complain (I have not broken my resolutions since I declared them, mind you).  Instead, I am going to state a few facts:
  • Everyday, I spend at least 2.5 hours on the road driving 20 miles each way.  Multiply that by 5 and that's 12.5 hours aka half a day driving through traffic.  For those who have never endured such a commute, it is worse than you'd imagine, so sympathy to similar commuters is much appreciated
  • I have the tendency to doze off behind the wheel.  Yes, I have tried blasting my radio. Yes, I have tried sticking my head out the window.  Yes, I have tried freezing myself to death with the air conditioning.  Yes, I have slapped myself in the face and waved my arms in the air while I yelled "stay awake!".  Yes, I have consumed caffeine before and during my drive.  And yes, I have even tried to call friends to keep me up, only to leave them a "Herro, I'm jerg calling falling schleep, bye" voicemail.  Nothing works once I am in the sleepy zone.  I need to count my blessings for everytime I "wake up" right in the middle of steering into another lane because I'm falling asleep
  • I think it would bring me a sense of peace and increased patience if I understood why there are days when traffic flows well and other days the freeways are like a madhouse when there's no accident, no closing of lanes, nothing
  • I know all the shortcuts to get to work which actually saves me about 10 mins time.  But even then, sometimes my shortcuts are congested without explanation!

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