Saturday, January 21, 2012

New Year Resolutions

I have been slacking off on putting together a list of resolutions because I wanted to avoid feeling like a failure if I couldn't live up to them.  But, a few items have been weighing heavily on my mind, so I wanted to openly declare what I resolve to change in the year of the Dragon.  And even if I am not perfect in my endeavor, I can remind myself that my intentions are true, that old habits die hard, and as long as I continue to try, I haven't failed yet.

1.   I resolve to take better care of myself.
I don't eat breakfast, my workout regimen has dwindled down to once a month, I eat fries like it's going out of style, I don't drink enough water, and I don't get enough sleep.  Enough said.

2.  I resolve to not speak negatively about anyone or anything.
Okay so everyone has to vent or complain once in a while, but at the rate I have been going, I am about to cross the finish line 100 miles before any of my competition does.  Somewhere along the road, I found a pair of negativity glasses, put them on, and haven't taken them off since.  It's time to take them off and see the world in a more positive light, seeking the good in everyone and everything.  "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" is now currently on repeat.

3.  I resolve to stick to my decisions, regardless of the outcome.
I am a people pleaser at heart, but I go about it the wrong way.  I make decisions intending to make someone else happy, but then end up dragging my feet the entire way, which obviously defeats the purpose of why I made the decision to begin with.  If my intention is to act selflessly, then I need to follow through to the end.  No second guessing, no complaining, no regrets.

And there you have it.  Here's to kicking off an awesome new year - the year of the Black Dragon!

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