I went to see a lady who uses numerology to tell you more about yourself in hopes of getting some guidance during this time in my life. Yes, I know that some of you are shaking your heads, but when you feel as desperate as I do for answers, you'd do just about anything. I talked to some of her clients while I was waiting for my turn and they all told me how on point she was. So, when my time came, I walked in a little doubtful, but also with an openmind. After all, I was paying her so I might as well make the most of it. I had fun, if nothing else. I like learning about myself.
She asked me for my name and my birth date which I provided. As she was doing her calculations, she kept saying "wow" until finally, she looked at me and said...
"You are a powerhouse."
Basically she told me how I was put on this Earth to accomplish something great (which surprised me because that has always been something I felt in my heart). She said that typically, people have maybe 1 connected line or no connected lines (based off of how I fell on the numerology chart), but I had 3 connecting lines (picture a tic tac toe layout with only 6 boxes filled - I'm too lazy to do the math to figure out what the maximum number of lines can be) which were interpreted as follows:
1. Driven - She told me that I am someone who never gives up and has endless determination which is why I was able to accomplish any goal and be so successful at my job at such a young age. She told me that I didn't get there by luck (though some people may think so), but because I worked my ass off and that I was a business person at heart.
2. Even keeled - She said that by nature, I am someone who is emotionally and spiritually sound which allows me to make the right decisions at the right time (which explains why my gut reactions are always on point)
3. Activity - She told me that I am someone who needs to constantly be on the move whether it be keeping myself busy or travelling around the world. Otherwise, I'll get bored.
Although I was already aware of all of these things, I was amused that she was able to know all of this without my telling her anything.
She then proceeded to tell me that I often feel like no one understands me and I feel isolated (true) in this world, but that I shouldn't let it get to me because the way I think is more advanced than most because I'm always one step ahead. And that I was someone who didn't need as much stability in my life because I could live without it because I am so independent. She also told me that no matter what I did with my career, I was going to be really prosperous, but that she could see that I was nearing the end of my term with my current profession (I didn't tell her anything, but she's right). She kept emphasizing that I should embrace all my strengths as gifts instead of feeling like these "gifts" were a burden (which is how I had been feeling because everytime I see a palm reader, they always say the same thing - "You are a powerhouse woman!" which always carries a negative connotation to it)
The best/craziest thing she told me was that people were often intimidated by me. I was shocked because so many people have told me that and I never understood why. I even walked into her office timidly and when she told me that I asked "Why do I keep hearing that over and over again? I am so petite and look so harmless!" She told me that it was the energy and aura that I carried with me; that it was so strong that people could feel something when they first meet me that makes them feel intimidated.
So then the million dollar question. What type of partner would be the best fit for me if I'm supposedly such a "powerhouse"?
She told me that I need to be with someone just as adventurous and driven as I am. Someone who'll take my ideas and work with me to push them to fruition, rather than being threatened by my success. Someone who'll be excited about new possibilities, support me and take risks with me, and be as enthusiastic as I am to live life without hesitation. We would bring all of this out in each other. This combination would result in a powerhouse couple.
So much for a "settle-down" life, huh? But doesn't all that sound like such an exciting life? I want!
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