Monday, November 2, 2009

Book Review: Time Traveller's Wife

Oh. My. Gawd. 

People must have thought I was crazy on my flight into Denver this morning because I was sniffling and wiping tears for about 20 mins straight!  This book moves you to your very core.  For those who have been living under a rock and have no clue what this book/movie is about, it is a love story about a man who time travels and a young girl who later becomes his wife.  There are moments of bliss because their love for one another is so sweet and tender, moments of inspiration because the patience, understanding, and acceptance they unconditionally give to one another is so selfless, moments of anger because you can't believe such tragedy could happen to such wonderful people, and moments of reflection where you're just in awe of how the story unfolds and finally comes to an end.  I highly, highly recommend this book (not so much the movie)!  I do have to say though, my next book will be a chick-lit book; no more bawling my eyeballs out!

Rating: 10/10

1 comment:

ErWang said...

Are congratulations in order?