Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Happy Third Gotcha Day, Echo!

Time, where have you gone?  We are already halfway through 2015 and today marks the 3rd year since my dear Echo came into our lives.  He is no longer a teenager and has become a feisty little guy.  We have been working with a behaviorist in hopes of building his confidence and reducing his anxiety when it comes to his surroundings, more specifically in unfamiliar settings.  We have also learned that he is a very independent doggie who doesn't really enjoy being coddled.  This realization is taking a little time to get used to because it is hard not to pet and hug him when he looks like this!

Thank you for teaching me what unconditional love is, as the one who gives and the one who receives.  Every day is a blessing with you in our lives.  I love you very much, Echo!

 This has been his favorite toy this year.  I highly recommend this dragon because it is the only toy that he has not been able to destroy.  He's spent countless hours chewing on the tail and it's still intact!  Stinks like crazy, but intact!

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