Thursday, June 30, 2016

Book Review: Sandcastle Kings

As June was quite uneventful with the exception of Vous Conference which I already blogged about, I'll jump right into my book of the month.  This month, I started two different books, both of which I could not get through!  This has never happened before especially with my goal oriented mentality where once I start something I must finish!  Seriously though, I couldn't get through the others, so I settled on Sandcastle Kings by Rich Wilkerson which I got as a gift from Vous Conference!

This book was an easy read and I enjoyed the personal stories Pastor Rich shared throughout because they were relatable and quite humorous!  I enjoyed the format of how the book was written by telling a few stories from the Bible and then highlighting Jesus' character and Christian values from those stories.  I most appreciated him explaining the meaning of Jesus dying on the cross for us as I think for those who didn't grow up in the church, that could be a difficult concept to grasp so having it dumbed down brings a little more gravity to the sacrifice that was made.  I recommend this book! 

Here is one of my favorite videos of Pastor Rich describing his shopping experience with his wife.  So ridiculous, but oh so true!


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