Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I Frown A Lot

No really, I do.  I frown when the sun is shining in my eyes and I don't have my sunglasses on, when I'm reading a confusing email from my client and I'm trying to figure out the most politically correct way to respond, when I'm running and focusing on getting myself to the finish line, when I'm in deep thought or am stressing out about something, when I'm watching something violent, scary, or gross on TV but I can't turn away, when I'm playing my guitar and singing, the list just goes on and on.  And so I worry about my frown lines at my brow, and as if it'd really work, I reverse my frown as an attempt to smooth out my frown lines:

Only to realize that when I do that, I am merely creating forehead wrinkles.  Of course you can't see them here because of the lighting, but they're there alright.  Forehead wrinkles, I find, are most popular during the application of mascara in the mornings.  Anyway, my point is that by trying to fix one thing, I'm creating another problemo.  I don't have a resolution to this little dilemma, so I'll just end this with a big smile that leads to zero lines around the forehead/brow area.  But wait, doesn't smiling create wrinkles around the eyes and mouth?  Oh geez, haha.

And for those who are wondering, yes, I am having one of those "I don't feel like working days". Okay, back to work I go! =P

1 comment:

Piyo said...

I love the last picture....what a sweet smile. Let's do that more often.